I consider myself a student of A Course in Miracles and the teachings of Kenneth Wapnick, along with Gary Renard’s works, which have also greatly influenced me. This blogzine is both an exploration and a practice, a place where I can stay focused on the path home while sharing insights and discoveries with what appear to be the many “separate” aspects of the One.

I was once deeply involved in the New Age movement and managed a well-regarded online metaphysics magazine. Eventually, though, I found the worldview I had embraced no longer made sense. Looking back, I see that my journey through the “spiritual buffet line” was a necessary phase, one that helped prepare me for the unique, uncompromising path that is A Course in Miracles.

Unlike the often-divergent views of other spiritual traditions, A Course in Miracles presents a pure non-dualistic approach. It states unequivocally that life as we know it is a dream: “This is an insane world, and do not underestimate the extent of its insanity” (T-14.I.2:6). The Course teaches that the way to awaken from this dream is through forgiveness—releasing our attachment to the images we have created—in order to return to Wholeness and Oneness with each other and with our Source.

The title of this blogzine, A Passerby, is inspired by one of Jesus’ shortest sayings recorded in the Gospel of Thomas: “Be passersby.” It serves as a reminder to remain unattached to the illusions of this world, to see ourselves as merely passing through.

In The Disappearance of the Universe (p. 79), it’s explained: “The saying in the Gospel of Thomas, ‘Be passersby,’ is about not being mentally attached to things. It has nothing to do with physically giving up anything. If you believe that you have to give something up, then you are making it just as real as if you covet it.”

I hope you enjoy this site.

Be a passerby.

(A Passerby began as a website in 2011 and migrated to Substack in 2022 for simplicity.)

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A Course in Miracles Blogzine


A Couse in Miracles Blogzine