Happy New Year in advance!
In 2024, James F. Twyman and The Foundation For Inner Peace (publisher of A Course in Miracles) are offering a unique opportunity to experience the transformative message of A Course In Miracles through a year-long celebration called the ACIM World Dance.
Participants can register to receive daily emails featuring a video, a song, and the reading of an ACIM lesson by someone like themselves. This gift of music, wisdom, and deep transformation aims to bring people from around the world together in a collective celebration.
By joining the ACIM World Dance, individuals can contribute to sharing the revolutionary message of A Course In Miracles globally and embrace a year of spiritual growth and connection.
Here’s an example of a music video for the Workbook Lesson 21:
You can sign up at www.acimworlddance.com and start receiving the musical lessons from 1 Jan 2024. I have already signed up myself as I think it would be a nice way to review the workbook lessons in a different way.